For authorised parties
The licensee not only makes considerable investments with the purchase of the new software, but often also procures the associated hardware. In addition, a licensee often has to recruit new employees and train and educate all users of the software at the same time. Consequently, a licensee becomes highly dependent on the software manufacturer when choosing a software. And despite this dependency, a licensee usually still does not get access to the source code of the software without explicit request.
In cases of non-fulfilment of maintenance obligations, business closure, business takeover/M&A or bankruptcy of the software manufacturer, the licensee faces an uncertain future. In such cases, only the access to the source code and to the documentation and programming documents is the key to the continued productive usability of the software.
Software escrow solutions from SWEAG meet the needs of you as an authorised licensee
As a licensee you:
- made a substantial investment in your IT solution
- are interested in using your software on a long-term basis
Our answer:
- the SWEAG software escrow solutions include release conditions that are customised to your individual needs
As a licensee you:
- intend to be independent of the fate (bankruptcy, going out of business, etc.) and the willingness to perform of your software producer
- want to ensure the availability of the source code, which is essential for software maintenance
Your advantages:
- SWEAG software escrow agreements ensure that the bankruptcy estate or heirs cannot access the source code
- die SWEAG software escrow solutions ensure maintenance by providing immediate access to the source code in the event of a surrender
We will be happy to advise you personally in order to demonstrate the software escrow solution tailored to your needs.